I just finished my job at H & R Block and am looking minimally for employment, but I'm not in too big of a hurry to find anything, since nobody hires a 7 month pregnant college student with pregnant brain!
I sent in a resume for Governor Beshear of Kentucky's gubernatorial campaign, a position organizing fundraisers. I got a call about an interview April 28th. I told them I was pregnant and would be having a baby in July and would that be a problem? **Update 5/14 they got back to me and said that it would be about 50+ hours a week. Yeah, not happening. They did say they would keep my resume on file. This would be a great job after graduation, depending on how it pays!
I'm also updating an application at Farmer's Bank for a part time teller's position and am considering applying for 5/3 Bank for the same position.
I'm hoping one of them will pan out, but if not I'm not in a huge rush to force a job. I need to learn to relax and worry about school before all else.
In other news (haha!), I only have two more weeks of school after this one and I COULD NOT BE MORE THRILLED!
I am so tired, which leads me to what else is going on....I'm tired of depending on people when I used to be so independent....my body just doesn't do what it used to and I don't have energy for basic things. Who knew growing life could be so exhausting?
I am being anti-social too....I'm just too tired to make an effort to have a conversation with anyone!! Part of it is probably clinical depression, but I think part of it is also just plain exhaustion!!!!!!!!
On another note, it amazes me what you can feel for your child....even before it's even born. I did not know I was capable of such strong emotion for anyone! It's beautiful, it really is!
I sent in a resume for Governor Beshear of Kentucky's gubernatorial campaign, a position organizing fundraisers. I got a call about an interview April 28th. I told them I was pregnant and would be having a baby in July and would that be a problem? **Update 5/14 they got back to me and said that it would be about 50+ hours a week. Yeah, not happening. They did say they would keep my resume on file. This would be a great job after graduation, depending on how it pays!
I'm also updating an application at Farmer's Bank for a part time teller's position and am considering applying for 5/3 Bank for the same position.
I'm hoping one of them will pan out, but if not I'm not in a huge rush to force a job. I need to learn to relax and worry about school before all else.
In other news (haha!), I only have two more weeks of school after this one and I COULD NOT BE MORE THRILLED!
I am so tired, which leads me to what else is going on....I'm tired of depending on people when I used to be so independent....my body just doesn't do what it used to and I don't have energy for basic things. Who knew growing life could be so exhausting?
I am being anti-social too....I'm just too tired to make an effort to have a conversation with anyone!! Part of it is probably clinical depression, but I think part of it is also just plain exhaustion!!!!!!!!
On another note, it amazes me what you can feel for your child....even before it's even born. I did not know I was capable of such strong emotion for anyone! It's beautiful, it really is!