
The "Case" Against Breastfeeding

I was on Work It Mom last night and came across this article:


She left out some other research, done in 2004, which says that yes, instances of obesity ARE less in breastfed children. The LARGEST factor is, of COURSE, activity level, but it does, in fact make a difference.


She also left out the fact that, since human milk is easier for babies to digest for human babies, digestion in a breastfed infant is more efficient. Since formula takes longer to digest and the respiratory systems of infants under 6 months, infants are harder to wake in active sleep who are formula fed, since their bellies are full because they take longer to digest the formula than the breastmilk. SIDS risk is, therefore, increased.


Also, there is a component in breastmilk which kills cancer cells.


I take no issue with anyone who formula feeds. It is a personal choice and I understand that some women try very hard to nurse and just can't, or their lifestyle does not allow for it. However, discounting the benefits of nursing, in my opinion, is just grasping at straws. Yes, formula is a godsend. Yes, formula fed babies turn out FINE and there are breastfed babies who do not.

What bothers ME about this article is this woman's suggestions based on narrow information and her obvious displeasure with motherhood and scorn for other women. She claims to be anti-judgmental but clearly isn't.

(Personally, I breastfed exclusively the first 6 months and now she nurses when she is with me and gets formula at daycare. She also eats plenty of solids. I do not have an issue with her having formula and am grateful breastfeeding came so easy for us, despite a bout with mastitis and trouble getting a deep enough latch as a newborn.)

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